How to create beautiful UI using K2 Smartforms

A proper UI design for any web application is a must. This is something I would always put as one of my top priorities. I could never face a user with an ugly user interface.

Creating a pleasant-looking and user-friendly website is as important as creating a comfortable home. You would always want to be in it, because it’s comfortable to be in it. Having good UI drives user adaption for your web applications, therefore making sure your users actually use your K2 applications happily. (therefore maximizing your investment).

Having a drag-and-drop UI designer is much like designing your new home: you can plug and play pre-made Ikea furniture, or you could ask a contractor to customize some stuff for you.  But here, I will explain how you could do a hybrid of both. Now, let’s get to the point…

K2 Smartforms is great because while you have drag-and-drop for out-of-the-box functionality, you also have some levels of flexibility:

  1. Insert HTML / Javascript / CSS into SmartForms (this is what this post is about)
  2. Create your own custom controls (I will probably talk more about this in a future post).

To easily insert HTML literals into a SmartForm, it is highly recommended to install Adam Castle’s HTML Literal custom control. Otherwise, you can use a Data Label as a Literal, and then use expressions for dynamic values. (more details here)

If an HTML snippet is frequently used, you can save it as an Environment Library variable. (more details here)

Below is an auto-compiled list of my posts with the tag “UI Hacks”. These are some of my favorite tricks to make my K2 Smartforms look better.

8 thoughts on “How to create beautiful UI using K2 Smartforms

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  1. Hi, this is great, thanks! Do you have a tip how to remove the title bar on the lithium form? I just want it to look like the Incidient Logging view you have in your example at the top of this page.


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